a woman lifting a barbell


a woman in a wheelchair talking to a man in a wheelchair

Frequently Asked Questions

After you are referred for Physical Therapy you may have more questions about your treatment. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions by new patients. If your questions are not covered on this list, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our clinic is focused on patient-centered care and our staff is more than willing to provide you with answers to all of your questions and concerns. You can contact us by telephone at 606-679-1761, email at [email protected], or by submitting the form below.


What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is nonsurgical treatment that helps you understand your condition, recover the use of the affected joints and muscles, and help yourself return to work and everyday activity. It includes physical rehabilitation, work hardening, and testing to determine functional capacity, range of motion and level of nerve and muscle function. The type and number of treatments you will need depends on your diagnosis and condition. In many cases, improvement can be achieved simply through appropriate exercise and by learning more about how your body works.

Outpatient Physical Therapy?

The goal of outpatient physical therapy is recovery of strength and mobility so you can return to work, activity, and self-sufficiency. The typical treatment lasts from 30 to 60 minutes; your first appointment will include an evaluation by the physical therapist and will last a little longer. Each therapy session will usually include some movement or exercise, and your will learn and practice injury prevention techniques.

What if I have more questions about my treatment?

Don’t hesitate to ask your therapist any questions about your treatment. We want you to understand what is happening so that you can learn how to help yourself. If you are unsure of your therapist’s instructions or your home exercise program, please call and discuss your concerns.

What about my regular doctor?

We do not replace your regular physician. You should continue to consult with him or her for all your medical needs. During your physical therapy, we will communicate frequently with your physician and provide him or her with copies of your evaluation, progress reports, and discharge summary.

What about insurance?

We are a participating provider in Medicare, AHDS, Blue Cross, Humana, CHAMPUS, and most other medical plans. We also accept Worker’s Compensation and auto accident medical coverages. Please be prepared to give our receptionist your insurance information; we will verify your coverage with your insurance carrier and if there are any questions, we will let you know.

How do I pay my portion of the bill?

We will discuss payment with you during your first visit or soon thereafter. Co-payments for each visit should be paid during the appointment. We will file any necessary insurance claims, and let you know if any additional payment is required.

What else do I need to know?

Just this: to a large extent, the speed and quality of your recovery depends on you! You are a partner in the treatment plan formed by your therapist and your physician and with hard work and perseverance you will achieve the best possible outcome.

How do I arrange an appointment?

Simply call our office: 606-679-1761, email [email protected], or fill out this form. Hours are by appointment from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. All new patients will be seen as soon as possible with referral.

What should I bring with me?

We will contact your physician before your appointment to discuss your case if necessary. However, you should bring any notes, reports and X-rays from your doctor that describe that would help us plan your treatment.

What should I wear?

Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes are usually best. Loose-fitting shorts are recommended if your legs are to be treated, or for functional capacity evaluation. Your therapist will tell you if different clothing is required. Should you need a hospital gown for any reason, one will be provided.

What if I have to cancel an appointment?

Simply call the office where the appointment is scheduled and notify the receptionist. Please try to give us 24 hours, so that someone else can use your appointment time.

Total Rehab Center

Total Rehab Center is a locally owned, private practice dedicated to delivering state of the art rehabilitation and conditioning services to the patients in the entire Lake Cumberland region. We utilize a team approach to offer you the best treatment. This includes many areas of expertise for the person who needs to return to work or their game.